(619) 905-4247 – San Diego

(818) 800-2002 – Los Angeles

Robotic hair transplant, also known as robotic follicular unit extraction (FUE), is an advanced technique in the field of hair restoration. It involves the use of robotic technology to assist in the process of harvesting and transplanting hair follicles from one part of the body (usually the back of the scalp) to areas experiencing hair loss.

The procedure begins with the patient’s scalp being prepared by trimming the hair in the donor area. Local anesthesia is administered to numb the scalp and ensure a pain-free experience. The robotic system, equipped with artificial intelligence and precision instruments, is then utilized to identify and extract individual hair follicles from the donor site.

Robotic technology

The robotic technology used in hair transplantation employs a combination of algorithms, cameras, and robotic arms to precisely locate and extract hair follicles. This approach offers several advantages over manual extraction methods. It minimizes the risk of human error, allows for greater accuracy, reduces trauma to the donor area, and improves the overall efficiency of the procedure.

hair transplant scar removal
Patient’s head close-up. Baldness treatment. Hair transplant. Surgeons in the operating room carry out hair transplant surgery. Surgical technique that moves hair follicles from a part of the head

Once the hair follicles are extracted, they are carefully preserved in a specialized solution to maintain their viability. The surgeon then prepares the recipient area by creating tiny incisions or recipient sites in the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The robotic system can also assist in this step by accurately determining the optimal placement and orientation of the grafts.

Finally, the harvested hair follicles are implanted into the recipient sites by the surgeon or the robotic system itself. The precision and consistency provided by the robotic technology result in natural-looking hair restoration. After the procedure, the transplanted hair follicles enter a dormant phase before eventually regrowing new hair in the recipient area over the following months.

Robotic hair transplant procedures offer numerous benefits, including improved accuracy, reduced scarring, faster recovery times, and the ability to harvest a larger number of grafts in a single session. However, it is important to note that the success of the procedure also depends on the skill and expertise of the surgeon overseeing the robotic system.

Is NeoGraft a robotic hair transplant?

Partially. NeoGraft employs a manual hand-held system to harvest and transplant clusters of hair follicles. Although the machine incorporates some automation, it does not function as a robotic system. The surgeon relies on the computerized machine’s pneumatic controls to extract the groups of hair follicles from the donor area.


It is advisable for individuals considering a robotic hair transplant to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist who can evaluate their specific needs and determine if they are suitable candidates for the procedure.

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss or thinning hair?

Take control of your appearance and boost your confidence with a hair transplant. Our skilled team of specialists is here to provide you with personalized and effective hair restoration solutions.

Don’t let hair loss hold you back any longer. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the transformative benefits of a hair transplant. Take the first step towards regaining a fuller, natural-looking head of hair.

We have convenient locations to serve you in both San Diego and Los Angeles. To book an appointment or learn more about our hair transplant services, please reach out to us at:

San Diego: (619) 905-HAIR (4247) Los Angeles: (818) 800-2002

Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you and provide the information you need. Take the first step towards achieving a fuller head of hair by contacting us today!