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Going bald prematurely can be a very upsetting experience for many men. Now, new research suggests it may also increase your chances of developing an enlarged prostate or BPH — both conditions with something in common: DHT!

Many people suffer from androgenetic alopecia, the most common form of baldness. It has a hereditary component which progresses when not treated with proper care for their hair follicles’ sensitivity to DHT as well.


Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays a pivotal role in the process of hair miniaturization, a key factor in hair loss. When DHT binds to the dermal papilla, it disrupts the nutrient absorption essential for hair follicles, gradually leading to the thinning of hair strands.

This scenario unfolds when an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase transforms testosterone into DHT. The hormone produced from this reaction is responsible for the growth of prostate cells in men. With advancing age, as the levels of free testosterone naturally decline, the accumulation of DHT can contribute to conditions like Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH).

Is going bald a risk factor for an enlarged prostate?

In the latest study, which appeared in the Journal of American Academy Dermatologists Investigators measured prostate volume and urinary flow among men who had been diagnosed with premature baldness as well as healthy controls. They found that those suffering from classical male pattern alopecia had higher levels of hormone (i.e., DHT) than non-balding sufferers or those living normal lives where there was no hair loss condition present on their body at all!

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, 3D illustration showing normal and enlarged prostate gland
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, 3D illustration showing normal and enlarged prostate gland

The results of this study indicate that DHT, a male hormone linked with premature balding and enlarged prostate may be responsible for both conditions.

Source: Arias-Santiago S et al. Androgenetic alopecia as an early marker of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2012 Mar; 66(3):401-8

Male AGA and BPH have been linked to growing evidence that men with a larger prostate size lose hair faster than those who don’t.

How do I lower my DHT levels?

If you’re noticing thinning or bald patches on your head, it’s time to speak with a medical professional. The sooner these symptoms are addressed the better chance there is at preventing irreversible damage and restoring healthy hair growth!

At Concord Hair Restoration, we are here to help!

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